Lovely Lunaria

Lovely Lunaria

Lunaria Plant Sook & Hook Blog
As a little girl I would spend hours cleaning these fascinating plants in the backyard. Sometimes I would try to sell bouquets of them at my parents' store during the fall months.
 My entire childhood I always referred to these beautiful stalks as 'Money Plants' in addition to 'Honesty' because of the coin shaped appearance of the cleaned pods.
Lunaria Plants Sook & Hook Blog
Cleaning a lunaria plant Sook & Hook Blog
Late this summer while visiting my parents' home in Pennsylvania, my interest in these plants piqued again and I was thrilled to find out that another name for them is 'Lunaria'. The word is derived from Luna for the moon - the definition of Lunaria translates to 'moonlike'.
Lunaria Sook & Hook Blog
These popular dried flowers look amazing in coastal flower arrangements and wreaths and add dramatic flair to vases around the house this time of year.
  Booquet Sook & Hook Blog
I've been adding little pieces into my 'Boo-quets' that I gave out to customers this Halloween season. I do think they'll be just as fitting to wrap holiday gifts with.
Tell me - are you familiar with this fabulous plant? ;)
Moon Inspired Art by Sook & Hook

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